Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Knitting Sunshine

Ah, the coast. It's been raining buckets for days, and the news is full of flooding rivers, and slides and evacuations. The sky has been twilight-dark at midday, but The Scarf is bright enough to chase away the gloom:

And, with a weekend's knitting under my belt, it is a little more than half done:

I am a couple of inches into the second half which, when complete, will be grafted to the first. (Assuming my kitchen scale method of halving the yardage was accurate - otherwise there could be some frogging first). Despite the horror of Making The Same Thing Twice, I am thoroughly enjoying the process - it is so lovely to do colourwork with fingering weight instead of worsted, and I have been able to use one of my very few Addi circulars for this project. They really do make an enormous difference.

Tiennie got me thinking about counting stitches with this post - a quick bit of math revealed that the finished scarf will contain around 36,000 stitches! If only a novel were that fast.