But first, the lacy tank: After an hour or so with the stitch dictionary and the ever-growing swatch, I settled on KISS - keep it stocking stitch. I'm very pleased with how it's coming together, although this is my least favorite bit of any sleeveless garment. So flimsy and fiddly, and multiple balls of yarn going every which way. The bamboo and the Mystik DK are particularly tangle prone - once released from their ball bands they instantly disassemble themselves and attempt to throttle one another.
I'm leaning towards applied i-cord for the edgings - tidy, with a bit of body to it for structure.
We have become enormous fans of the TV series Corner Gas. It's tremendously funny, in an off-handed sarcastic sort of way, and so very Canadian. Since our present posting in Moose Jaw is only an hour's drive from the shooting location in Rouleau, we figured we'd better get there before we left Saskatchewan.
Knitting at the Ruby Cafe:
We had a lovely day, ate delicious home-cooked burgers at the Dog River hotel, and took loads of souvenir photos of the kids (which I won't bore you with) at all the Dog River landmarks.
Finally, for a certain Austrian blogger who is surrounded by spectacular mountains but (for reasons I can't fathom) idolizes Saskatchewan: