Saturday, July 01, 2006


days until we move to Whistler. Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! We are so very blessed to call this wonderful country home, and so habitually self-deprecating that we don't celebrate and treasure it nearly enough.

Speaking of Whistler, CTV is launching a new series by that name. Apparently we are moving to a scandalous den of iniquity. Who knew? (Well, OK the clouds of marijuana and overt displays of wealth may have provided some clue, but it's always been just home to us.) It may be some time before we see it, since we chose to forego live television when we had children. With any luck it will come out on DVD like Corner Gas.

The BBS (big blue sweater) has reached the great armhole divide:

I took this photo in the low-angle early morning (told you I can't sleep in) light so as to highlight the lovely stitch textures.

Yesterday's packing project, which will continue today, was to wash, sort and vacuum pack my fabric stash.

I was an avid quilter before the kids came along, (and will be again someday) so have amassed a sizeable collection of cotton prints. Sadly, not nearly as sizeable as it once was, because when we moved to Winnipeg six years ago, our belongings sat in storage for a month and were apparently left out in a downpour before being sealed in the warehouse. When I opened my fabric collection, parts of it were wringing wet, and there was severe mildew damage to more than half. I was heartbroken, but due to some less than honest behaviour on the part of the moving company, had no recourse. A good share of them were vintage and therefore irreplaceable, in any case. I'm taking no chances this time.

Also in my fabric collection is a considerable amount of inexpensive polar fleece. This was bought shortly after moving to Winnipeg from Vancouver Island - I was a little freaked about the extreme prairie winters and being financially strapped at the time, had a rather over-ambitious notion about sewing fleece garments for the family. I also had a colicky baby, had to get back to work, etc. Never happened. But I dragged it all to Moose Jaw "just in case", and I've lately been thinking how cool it would be to have a fleece sweater with all the textural charm of a handknit. So I had a little go with the rotary cutter and made a swatch: I'm thinking of a crew necked pullover with big cables. I have 5 metres of the blue, which I picked up for next to nothing because it was a botched dye job - cut up and knitted, it just looks like subtly variegated yarn. Of course, none of this is going to get made for a while, but I wanted to satisfy myself that it was worth bringing along.